Page 27 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
P. 27

East Alaska 0 with Bearfoot
CREAMERS FIELD Up to 200,000 sandhill cranes use the Tanana Valley as a flyway. In order to keep the migrating birds away from the Fairbanks International Airport, Fair- banks began spreading tons of barley on the ground at Creamers Field every year. Once a dairy farm, which modest- ly got its start with 3 cows and some horses brought by sternwheeler from Nome ,	Creamers	served	Fairbanks
Cruise the great rivers of The Last Frontier on a Sternwheeler
until 1928. Now the 1,800 acre farm is on the National Register of Historic Places, and is a migratory waterfowl refuge. After spending the summer in Northern Alaska , the birds arrive back at Creamers Field in August. You can come here and take the self-guided walk of the trails at Creamers, includ- ing the "farm trail" and the "borealfor- est trail " any time.
Fairbanks takes his- tory seriously. Even to the point of dressing in character to	celebrate the town 's past.
Over summer solstice, in mid-to-late June, Fairbanks celebrates the longest days of the y e a r	with	a	Midnight Sun Run, boat races, a Midnight Sun Festival a n d	a	Midnight	Sun baseball game.
Then ,	from	July	13th through the 21st, an annual Golden Days Festival	will	be	held , with a roamingjail that picks up "criminals" in- spired by frontier law enforcement.
On the same weekend, July 17th through 20th , Fairbanks will hold the Annual World Eski- mo-Indian Olympics.
Then in early August, the Tanana ValleyState Fair will be held at the fairgrounds ,	from	Au- gust 2nd to 11th, as Alaskans celebrate the summer growing sea- son.

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