Page 25 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
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East Alaska 0 with Bearfoot
Fairban ks	is	an	ea sy	to wn	to	enjoy	during	the long summer days and evenings. Fairbanks has nearly 24 hours of sunlight for a large part of the summer,allowing visitors and locals to engage in non-stop recreation. It's not uncommon to go for awalkhereatmidnighton asummerday.
There are plenty of places to go in Fairbanks to learn about Alaska life and culture. The town is full of museums and friendly volunteers.
Fairbanks Community Museum Downtown, 2nd Avenue Sleds, posters, displays of historic Fairbanks life.
Pioneer Park 2300 Airport Way Free historic park. Previously knownasAlaskaland. Cabins, shops, historic homes, carouse l. Great for families.
Pioneer Air Museum Located at Pioneer Park Lot s of historic Alaska planes & eq uipment.
Pioneer Museum Located at Pioneer Park Good place to meet "Pioneers" (long-time locals)ofAlaska. Fairbanksmemorabilia.
Wickersham House Located At Pioneer Park Resto red home of Judge Wickersham ofAlaska.
Riverboat Discovery 1975 Discovery Dr Fairbanks' links to the Gold Rush & Yukon River come to life.
University of Alaska Museum 907 Yukon Drive Ice Agedisplays. Native art. Dinosaur exhibit this summer.
Large Animal Research Center 2220 Yankovich Rd Reindeer& more at UAF research center.
Antique Auto Museum 212 Wedgewood Dr Museu m of meticulously ren ovated antique cars. Large historic photos of those cars on Alaska's ea rly roads.
Botanical Garden 117 West Tanana Dr The Georgeson Garde n at UAF shows what 22 hours ofdaylight cando foracabbage.
MorrisThompson Cultural & VisitorCenter 101 Dunkel St This is where to go to get informa- tion about parks, publiclands,& where to eat, sleep& have adven- tu res in Fair ban ks. Excitin g full- scale view of rural Alaska n life & culture. Free admission.
1. Visit Pioneer Park This free walking park in the center of Fairban ks has museums and da ily activities and is open late.
Creamer's Field
Take a walkat Creamer's Field. Historic displays and safe, ea sy walking trails. Amigratory path for sa ndh illcranes and other birds.
2. 3. Chena River Stroll
Walk along the Chena River with viewpoints of the water.Great for an ea rly evening activity.
4. University Of Alaska
Visit the BotanicalGarden, orwalk and jog bythe Museum and Science Center.Here you'llfind a great over- lookoftheAlaska Range.
Chena Recreation Area
Prepared, active hikers willwant to check out the Chena State Recreation Area. Longhikingloops,camp- grounds and day hikes.

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