Page 23 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
P. 23

East Alaska 0 with Bearfoot ALASKA
The Alaska Highway (also known as the Alcan ) goes through Canada into Alaska. It was finished before World War II. The highway's official length varies due to changing mile markers and route construction over the years.	The	official	st art of the Alaska Highway is Daw son	Creek ,	BC	and the endpoint is Mile 1422 in Delta Junction,Alaska. The	Ala ska	Highway Border Crossing is the most	used	road	cro ssing into Alaska from Canada.
The Alaska Highway was completed over 75 years ago. In the early 1940's, Soldiers punched this northern route through Canada to Alaska, in below zero temperatures and muddy summer conditions. African-American troops played a key role in completing the road in record time. Toda y, the road is well paved. It takes about a week's worth of driving to reach Alaska from the Lower 48. Keep in mind that on many st retches of the Alaska High way, in Alaska and Canada , there is no cell phone reception and there may be long st ret ches w it h no gas.
The U.S. part of the Alaska Highway starts at the Canada border and officially ends at Delta Junction. Here are distances and points of interest on the United States side.
Canadian Border (Mile 1222)
The Alaska Highway crosses the Canadian Border at the main 24-hour "Port ALCAN" Border Crossing.
Tetlin Wildlife Refuge (Mile 1229)
Nationalwildliferefugevisitorcenter.View- ing platform and telescopes.
Taylor Highway (Mile 1302)
TheroadtoChicken,Eagle,andtheTop-Of- The-World Border Crossing.
Tok River (Mile 1309)
Multi-site campground on Tok River. Boat- ing, picnic, camping opportunities.
Tok (Mile 1314)
Supply town, and the main road-based entrancetoAlaska.
Tok Cutoff (Mile 1314)
Access the Glenn Highway on the Tok Cut- off. The Tok-Cut Off (Glenn Highway) is a southwest routetotheCopperValley.
Tanacross (Mile 1324)
Traditionalvillage. Dot Lake (Mile 1361)
Small, traditional village.
Delta Junction (Mile 1422)
Delta Junction is the official end of the Alaska Highway. Here, the Alaska Highway meets the north-south Richardson High- way and a designated monument marks th e end of th e Alcan. Delt a is located at Mile 266of the Richardson Highway.
North Pole & Fairbanks
These towns are not on the Alaska High- way. Fairbanks & North Pole are on the Richardson Highway. Nort h Pole is 82 miles north of Delta. Fairbanks is 100 miles north
You can drive from Tok
to Delta overthe tail end
of the Alaska Highway.	o
This 111 mile road is paved and travels along the Tanana River to Del- ta Junction. The route is sparsely populated and has no services.
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E of Delta Junction.
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Public Restrooms on the Alaska Highway Mile 1309,1314,1332, 1344,1422

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