Page 21 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
P. 21
East Alaska " with Bearfoot
Tok Chamber (Main Street) Mile 1314 Alaska High- way. At the junction of the Glenn Hwy. Open in the summer.
Tok Lands Information Center Mile 1314 Alaska Highway. Right beside the Chamber Center. Variable hours.
Tetlin Wildlife Refuge Center Mile 1229, Alaska Highway. Open 8:00 - 4:30 every day in the summer. Exhibits, bookstore, observation deck with spot- ting scopes.
Yukon-Charley National Preserve Field Office in Eagle. Mid-June through the third week of September.
Mainly set aside for waterfowl production, the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge is the summer home to at least 186 bird species. The refuge produces up to 100,000 ducklings every year. There are 730,000 acres in this refuge. Its wetlands, rivers, mountains and forests provide plenty of room for large animals, too, like moose, wolves, bears and caribou. There are also rare trumpeter swans and bald eagles. As you enter Alaska by road, you'll be traveling for 65 miles along the edge of the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge. Soon after crossing the border, at Mile 1229, you 'll see the Tetlin Wildlife Refuge Center. It's open every day in the summer, and has telescopes, exhibits and a book store. Staff there can tell you what birds to look for.
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