Page 89 - Parks Highway Bearfoot
P. 89

Parks Highway 0 with Bearfoot	ARCTIC
Coldfoot 240 Fairbanks 494
Yukon River
There are some services at the Yukon River, and limited ser- vices another 120 miles up the road, at Coldfoot. Coldfoot has a visitor center. Fourteen miles past Coldfoot, Wiseman also has some basic services. From Wiseman to Deadhorse is 225 miles. If you 're camping, you 'll find undeveloped sites along the road. The visitor center in Coldfoot can provide informa- tion about camping options.
You can drive a gravel-road ap- proved car, ride an adventure motorcycle, or take a tour to the Arctic Circle. The Arctic Circle is about 199 miles from Fairbanks. There's a famous sign at the Arc- tic Circle for a photo-op. North of	Arctic Ocean the Arctic Circle, there's 24 hours	Once you get to Deadhorse, you 'll of daylight during the summer
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A three day guided roundtrip journey by land and air to the shores of the Arctic Ocean '"Travel the famed Dalton HighwJ.y'"VisittheArcticCircleTradingPOStaltuatedin the ruralcommunityofJoy. Alaska '"Experience the mighty Yukon River t Marvel at the majestic beauty of the northland's most famous waterway '" Cross the Arctic Circle in ceremonious fashion " Overnight in rustic Coldfoot t Visit historicwiseman '" PilSSthrough the majestic Brooks Mountain Range '" Walk out on the amazingtundr-aoftheAreticCcasratPlain'"Overnight atPrudhoeBay"TourPrudhoeBay.siteofNorth Ame rica's largest o il fiel d '" Complete yo ur no rth wa rd tourney by dipp ing your to e in the frigid waters of the Arctic Ocean
;"~~~~I f1ightisthemosteX[enSi~eflighttourofNorthAmeric~'shighest
A one day guided journey by land across the Arctic Circle Travel the famed	Dalton Highway · Visit the Arctic Circle Trad- ing Post situated in t he rural community o f Joy. Alaska '" Pass over the mighty Yukon River II' Walk out on the amazinf arctic tundra and feel the frozen ground beneath the surface Cross the Arctic Circle and receive an officialArctic Circle Adventure Certificate.
A LL the highlights of the Arctic Circle Drive plus:Fly north from Fairbanks across the Arctic Circle and receive an aerial view of the vast AlaskawildernessII' Experiencethe mightyYukon River '"Marvel at the majestic beautY of the northland's most famouswaterway " Travel thefamedDaltonHighwayundertheMidnightSunonthereturnioumey to Fairbanks.
One-day and 'I. day journ eys by air to remote and scenic Alaskan Native villages.visit where few go, but true Alaskans live. Summer adventures to Anaktuvuk Pass and Fort Yukon, year-round tours to Beaver and daily scheduled flights to
12 interior Villages. ARCTIC CIRCLE OVERNIGHT
An overnight guided journey by air and land into Alaska's Brooks MountainRange'" ALL the highlightsof the Arctic Circle Fly/Drive plus:Enjoyextratimeinthescenic BrooksMountainRange'" Over- night at rustic Coldfoot. Ground tour south along the Dalton Highway experiencing the Arctic Ctrde. arcuc tundra,Yukon River, and the Arctic CircleTradingPoston the return journeyto Fairbanks.
Coldfoot 240
peak.	Everyone has a window seat as our oxygen-equipped. multi-engine ajrcraft climbs [ 0	near ly 21,000 feet for a dramatic view of Denali's summit and the surrounding peaks and glaciers ofDenaliNationalPark. FlightdepartsfromHealyjustnorthof Denali National Park and shuttles are availablefrom can)'On hotels.
A round trip journey by ilir acrcss the Arctic Cfrcle " Fly north from fatrbanks acrcss the Arctic Circle and receive an aer-ial view of the vaH ....laska wilderness '" Expertence
Arctic Circle
Limited Services
months. The Arctic Circle is a lat- itude measure that circles the globe (like the Equator) and this is a great place to cross it.
be stopped by a gate. Only commer- cial tours can go past this point to Prudhoe Bay and the Arctic Ocean. Also,you have to have a background check in advance. Private tour com- panies offer trips north, to the Arctic Circle and other northern towns, like Utqiagvik and Nome.
Utqiagvik (Barrow)
The town of Barrow recently voted for a name change to traditional name Utqiagvik. Utqiagvik is not connected to the Dalton Highway. Arrive at this very "old-time" Alas- kan city by air. The town ofUtqiagvik is the northernmost city in Alaska.
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~~;~~r~~:~2~;~f.,:~~fi~:";~:i~·:;:~ MidnIght Sun on the return fhght to Fairbanks
Flynorth acrossthe ArcticCircleto the lnupiat Eskimo village of Utqiagvik .. Discover firsthand the lifestyles ofAlaska'sArctic Coastal peopleswith a tourofthevillage"Enjoyarulwn.1 programfeilturingceremonialsongand darce,traditionill ga.mes,ill'ld demoostration of local mfts · Walk the shores oftheArcticOceannearthe northernmostpointonthe NormAmerican Continent" One dilyilrnl overnight excursions available year-round.
Arctic Circle
Limited Services
If you intend to stay in motels, you 've	got	to	make	your	reserva- tions before you set out. Ask for specific motel information at the Explore Fairbanks Visitor Center.
You can drive a gravel-road ap- nrn\ll:::.rI r-er rirl.:::. :::lIn :::llrI"lOnhIr.:::. " i'ool.'.,,,,,, ,,",i'oo+ +i'oo .............1,"'" "i'ool'" ..""'....""'...,....
If you intend to stay in motels,

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