Page 41 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
P. 41

East Alaska "	with Bearfoot
The world of rural Alaska is one of self-sufficiency. Copper Valley residents often have to fix their own plumbing, heating and electrical issues. There's also log-cutting, hammering and roofing. Everybody is a Jack-Of-All-Trades.
Volunteer Community
The spirit of volunteerism runs the Copper Valley. This ability to pitch in, at whatever level you can give, makes the Copper Valley, and rural Alaska, one of the most volunteering places in the nation. Peo- ple here volunteer because if they don 't step up , no one else will. Time is the most precious commodity in Alaska, and locals are generous with their time, even in this place where distances are so long, win- ters are so cold , and money is often tight.
The world of rural Alaska is one of self-sufficiency. r'	.•"_11_...•__:-I__.&._	_Lt..__ 1__.._	.1.._ .c:...1.1__:.•_••._
Lowly Mosquito
In the state of Alaska , mosquitoes are fairly com- mon during the summer. Wear "bug dope" or mos- quito repellent to keep them at bay. This can be purchased virtually anywhere. In August, mosqui- toes give way to black gnats, which are attracted to your ears, neck and ankles.
SUMMER DAYS Glennallen summer days are long and full of ac- tivity. Local salmon fishing in the nearby Gulkana and Klutina Rivers is in full swing by mid-June. By the Fourth of July, residents are eagerto celebrate the event with a parade and salmon bake, revel- ling in a chance to be outdoors without a coat, mittens and boots.
Twice weekly "Mail Plane" flights from Anchorage - Glennallen - McCarthy - May Creek! AND...
Scenic Flights Over the Park Float Plane Flights Backcountry Access Flights
• Statewide Charter Flights
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