Page 42 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
P. 42

Subsistence is the practice of living off	the	land ,	using available natural re- sources to make ob- jects and clothing, as well as to provide all	nourishment. The Ahtna people of the Copper Val- ley area lived a true subsistence lifestyle for generations. In this area of Alaska, all "crops" were natural har- vests. There was no farming of livestock or plants in the current sense of the word. Large animals such as moose and bears were hunted without rifles. Spears, arrows, and traps are traditional methods of hunting and fishing. These old ways are not forgotten as elders continue to teach tradi- tional skills to younger generations. This is Tradi- tional Ahtna Chief Fred Ewan, showing how to cut Copper River salmon to preserve it for the winter.
PIPELINE TOWN Oil was discovered at Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope in 1968. By 1977, 40 years ago, the 800-mile length of insulated pipe had already been laid , and oil was flowing through it. The Copper Valley is underlain with permafrost, which could melt and shift the pipe. To solve this, much of the pipe was built to run above ground supported by heat-trans- fer pipes that keep the ground cool. Teflon coated crossbeams allow the pipe to move sideways during earthquakes. You can see the Pipeline in Glennallen on the north side of the road.
COPPER BASIN 300 The Copper Basin 300 is an Iditarod qualifyingsled dog race held annually in the Copper River region. Dog mushers from around the state and world gather in early January and start from Glennallen on a 300 mile race that links the road systems in the area. Community volunteers	organize	the	race , break trail and staff checkpoints along the race route.
Mushers compete mainly for experience and the thrill of being a part of the "toughest" three hundred mile dog race in Alaska .	Despite	the	reputation for challenging trail conditions, the Copper Basin 300 has been long known for forward- thinking veterinary care and race rules that allow for maximum safety of dogs and mushers.
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DOG MUSHERS race along the Glenn Highway.
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