Page 34 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
P. 34

Bearfoot Checkpoint: North Pole is locat ed at Mile 349 of th e NORTH POLE	Richardson Highway. Population about 2,200.
NORTH POLE Christmas-themed all year round, North
Pole is located just south of Fairbanks.
A Town Called North Pole
It's not the actual North Pole. But visit here any day of the year and you 'll hardly notice the difference. This town of several thousand is located on the southern outskirts of Fairbanks. North Pole is best known for its year-round celebration of the Christ- mas season. Streets include Santa Claus Lane and St. Nicholas Drive. The city hall is decked out for Christmas even in midsummer. In December, the entire town turns out to answer thousands of letters to Santa from kids across the world. There are plen- ty of "Christmas in Summer" photo opportunities here. While in North Pole , you can stop at the local Visitor Center on the Richardson Highway, or take a walk on the Beaver Springs Slough Nature Trail.
South To Delta Junction
The Richardson Highway follows the Tanana River from North Pole to Delta Junction. The Richardson Highway doesn't cross the Tanana River until just outside of Delta Junction.
Help keep invasive species out of the Last Frontier.
Firew ood can harb or pests t hat t hreate n th e health of Alaska's forests.
Please buy and burn firewood locally. Toprotect our trees:
o Don'tbringfirewoodintooroutofthestate. o Purchaseorcollectfirewoodnearyourdestination. o Leaveunusedfirewoodbehind;donottransportitto
a new location. o Report unusual or suspect insects immediately to
th e UAF Cooperative Extension Service: • 877·520·5211
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