Page 8 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
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The Glenn High way run s 189 miles east of Anchorage to Glen- nallen. Nort h of Glennallen it continues on to the Alaska High - way, at Tok. The mountainous 135-mile stretch of the Glenn Highway is a nationally-designated "Scenic Byway." But all of the highway has tremendous vistas.
The Matanuska Glacier is a large, road-accessible glacier 100 miles to the east of Anchorage on the Glenn Highway. A small community has developed overlooking the Matanuska Glacier, called "Glacier View." The glacier is visible from the road over a stretchofaboutthree milesat varyingviewpoints.Youcan drive down to the ice to see it close up. Tours are also available to the easily-viewed glacial ice, led by private companies.
The Glenn High way st arts on 6th Avenue in Anchorage, and run s 35 miles north, then takes the right exit ramp towards Palmer. The highway run s along the Matanuska River to the Copper Val- ley and Glennallen. The Glenn Highway is a National Scenic By- way, surrounded by glaciers, mountains, and broad vistas. You might see goshawks, eagles, falcons, and Dall sheep from the many pulloffs and lookouts. As it winds through the Chugach and Talkeetna Mountains, past Palmer, the Glenn has breathtak- ing views ofthe Matanuska Glacier, the Matanuska River, and the cliffs and ravines nearby.
The Glenn High way run s 189 miles east of Anchorage to Glen-
The Glenn Highway runs 189 miles east of Anchorageto Glennallen.
Palmer (Mile 42 Glenn Highway)
Small shops, visito r center, museum. HatcherPassRoad (Mile49.5)
Leads to gold mines of Hatcher Pass.
Sutton (Mile 61)
Country store,historicalcoalmining park.
KingMountain (Mile76)
Campground, lovely mountain, river rafting.
Long Lake (Mile 85.5)
Lake pullout at bottom of hill, fishing & boat access. Good for families.
Matanuska Glacier (Mile 100)
Good view of glacier, mountains. Ice is accessible on foot. Glacier park.
Caribou Creek (Mile 107)
Gold panning, scenic pullo uts.
Sheep Mountain (Mile 113)
Wild sheep grazing on mountains, stunning views of Alaska terrain.
Eureka Summit (Mile 118-132)
Trailheads, scenic viewpoints, berry picking. Nelchina (Mile 141)
Fossils, river launch, small community. Mendeltna (Mile 151)
Lake Louise Jet. (Mile 160)
Turn north on 16-mile paved road to the Lake Louise Recreation area,with large lake, fishing, lodges, restaurants.
Tolsona (Mile 170)
Short road north to nice lake. Wrangell Mtn. Views (Mile 176-188)
Wrangell Mountainsstraight ahead.
Glennallen (Mile 186-189)
Small town,stores, visitor center, banks, post office, BLM, state offices.
aDPublic Restrooms on the Glenn Highway
Mile 76, 101, 118, 151