Page 59 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
P. 59

EastAlaska "	with Bearfoot
INFWENCE OF DAYS PAST The churchyard in Copper Center shows the linger- ing Russian influence left from the days before Alas- ka was purchased by the United States 152 years ago. "Spirit houses;' and colorful painted fences are an appealing and original blend of Russian Ortho- dox and local Native culture. Spirit houses are still found in various forms in small cemeteries through- out rural Alaska.
In other parts ofthe state, the cemetery crosses have the Russian-style angled bar. In the Copper Valley, Russian Orthodox crosses have been replaced by the western-style cross. Russian given names, like "Basilie;' "Sophie" and "Walya" were common among the older Ahtna people of the Copper River Valley well into the end ofthe twentieth century.
THE COPPER RIVER The silt-rich Copper River is a light brown color, and flows behind the town of Copper Center, toward Chitina. The Copper River has long been the source of salmon in the area. Salmon swim upstream from the ocean, into the Copper River and its tributaries.
Beside the Klutina and Copper Rivers Fantastic Red & King Salmon Fishing ยท Next to a Historic Museum

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