Page 86 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
P. 86
Cordova is an adventure town in Prince William Sound only accessible by air and sea.
Friendly Town
Welcome to Cordova - by plane or ferry. Ifyou arrive by plane, you 'll either have to rent a car or grab a taxito get a ride to the city proper. Cordova is about 12 miles from the airport. Once you're downtown , you 'll be in an oceanside town with an old-time feel that harkens back to Alaska's "good old days."
Old-Fashioned Alaska
Cordova is a city with only a few hotels, and some grocery stores and banks. All the main streets are close to the harbor. Everyone knows everyone else. Locals like to fish , and get out on the ocean to explore small coves and islands.
Fishing Community
Residents of Cordova eat a lot of fish. That's because they live right next to the Copper River Delta, home of the large Copper River salmon fishery. There's also plenty of halibut and rockfish for sale at local restaurants. Much of Cordova revolves around the sea. There's a U.S. Coast Guard station in Cordova.
Bearfoot Checkpoint: Pop. 2,300. Cordova is located on PrinceWilliamSound, 45milessoutheastofValdez.
Life In Cordova
There's plenty to do in Cordova, but remember, you can 't drive here. (Though you can bring a vehicle here on the ferry.) The center of Cordova sits at the bottom of Mount Eyak, a popular single chair ski resort in the winter. Stop at the Chamber of Com- merce on 1st Street for a packet of maps and activities.
Rent a car if you decide to drive your- self around Cordova, or explore the Copper River Highway. The Copper River Highway used to go all the way to Childs Glacier, but is now closed in- definitely at Mile36. This highway was built along the abandoned railroad tracks to the Kennicott copper mines.
Cordova Culture
The Ilanka Cultural Center is located downtown. The Center houses arti- facts from the local Eyak community, and has a gift shop. Also visit the Cor- dova Historical Museum, which is part of the Cordova City Center, to see art and history displays.
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