Page 65 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
P. 65
East Alaska 0 with Bearfoot GRAVEL ROAD
The McCarthy Road starts with a steep uphill climb on the far side ofthe Cop- per River Bridge . Ifyo u aren 't up to the drive, ta ke a shuttle or plane into Mc- Carthy, for reasonable rates.
Lakes (Mile 10 -12 McCarthy Road)
Recreationallakes,Strelna, Silver,Vanand Sculpin Lakes. Private and public use .
Kuskulana Bridge (Mile 17)
An unforgettable bridge that has most travel- ers looking straight ahead. It's 525 feet long and 238 feet above the river.Vault toilets, pic- nic tables in rest area.
Gilahina Trestle (Mile 29)
Abandoned wooden railroad trestle curves aroundasmallvalley.Restarea,vaulttoilets.
LongLake (Mile46)
Wildlife refuge. Private property. RestArea (Mile55)
Small,modern rest area and picnicspot. Park Service Kiosk (Mile 60)
The end ofthe road. Park in this area.
Kennicott River Footbridge (Mile 60)
To get to McCarthy & Kennicott, you'll leave your car and walk. You can't drive across.
The McCarthy Road is a 35 mph gravel road that follows an old railroad bed.Askfor up- dated road conditions at the Chitina Ranger Station. The 60 mile drive is highly scenic, with many photo opportuni- tiesandvistas.Thedrivetakes around three hours,withstops along the way. The National Park Service publishes both a McCarthy and Nabesna road guide and audio tour CD. Take a spare tire. Check with your rental car company before you drive this gravel road.
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