Page 17 - Anchorage & Kenai Peninsula Bearfoot
P. 17
Anchorage 0 with Bearfoot LONGER
For longer walks, jogs and bike rides, visit these popular Anchorage trails.
Anchorage trails are used sum- mer and winter by skiers, dog mushers, joggers, strollers and bicylists.
Ship Creek Trail
There is a 2.6 mile trail that runs along Ship Creek. In season, you can see salmon and fishermen along the trail behind the Ulu Fac- tory on Ship Creek Avenue.
Chester Creek I Coastal Trail This biking and walking trail starts at Westchester Lagoon and runs to the University of Alaska. It is often the fastest way to get across town. It travels through northern
forestland, under the road cross- ings and along Chester Creek.
Solar System Tour
An unusual tour of the solar sys- tem starts at the "sun" at 5th Ave. and GSt. Ittakes about 8 minutes to reach the "earth" at 5th and K St. just as it takes 8 minutes for sunlight to reach earth. You don't have to stop at the earth - you'll find the rest of the solar system out along the Coastal Trail, with Pluto at Kincaid Park.
Campbell Creek Trails
There are 12 miles of relatively flat trails in the Campbell Tract.
Park your car beside the Science Center. The center is at 6865 El- more Road. During salmon sea- son, bears often fish in the creek. You should be cautious when us- ing a trail beside water. Walk or jog with others and don 't use mu- sic players which keep you from hearing what's ahead on the trail.
Eagle River Nature Center
Turn at Eagle River and take t h e Eagle River Road to Mile 13. There's fee parking and re- strooms. Visit the Eagle River Na- ture Center to learn about Alaska and check out the nearby moun- tain views.
near Chester Creek.
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