Page 14 - Anchorage & Kenai Peninsula Bearfoot
P. 14
The Weekend Market downtown is th e largest market in Anchor- age.Rightoff3rdAveandEStreet, this market lasts all Satu rday and Sunday. Live music on stage, lo- cal food, and established vending booths cover a big area with rows of vendors and hefty crowds.
The happenseverySaturdaymorning in th e summer. The market takes place at Spenard road and 26t h Ave under a windmill. Local jazz bands jam and food tru cks and carts supply locals with food as th ey shop for produce and crafts.
Spenard Far mer's Market
Farmer's Markets have taken off all over Alaska in the last few years, with several held every weekend in Anchorage, along with midweek markets. Alaska has numer- ous local vegetable farms, mostly located near Palmer. Every weekend, farmers drive into Anchorage to se ll their fresh vegetables tolocalresidents.Thesloganforthesefarms
, is"AlaskaGrown"-completewithsweat- shirts and bumper stickers that encourage residents and visitors to shop locally. Food trucks and music have joined the party in recent yea rs.
1. Heat the grill. Get the grill up to temperature before you put the salmon on. Grill should be over 300 0 F.
2. Put the salmon skin-down. Lightly brush the grill with ol- ive oil and put the salmon skin- down on the grill.
3. Cook for shorter, not longer. Salmon is best when it is moist, so don't overcook it. Rich salm- on flavors are preserved when coo ked medium or under.
4. Done! Salmon cooks quick- lyon a grill. The outside is fully cooked, inside is at temp, yet not dry. Use a spatula to re- movefromgrillandseasonwith ground salt and ground pepper. 5. Serve immediately. Serve withAlaskan potatoes,Farmer's Market greens,or rice.
The Sout h Anchorage Market is popular because of an emphasis on vegetables and food vendors, as well as crafts. Live music and a community atmosphere. Wednes- days behind the Dimond Center and Saturdays at the Subway SportsCenterparkinglot.
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