Page 12 - Anchorage & Kenai Peninsula Bearfoot
P. 12
Ten easy things to do around Anchorage.
Anchorage is a city of adventure, and you can go on all sorts of trips during the course of a single day to see the wildlife, mountains and views that make this town unique.
1. Views From Earthquake Park Good views of Anchorage and Cook Inlet are minutes away from arrival at th e Ted Steve ns Anc horage In- ternational Airport. On clear days, Earthquake Park (5101 Point Woron- zof Drive) has great views of Sleeping Lady Mountain, the Alaska Range, and Denali. Earthquake Park is part of the Coastal Trail, a miles-long rec- reation corridoralongthecoast.
2. The Native Heritage Center
A unique learning center designed to teach about Alaska's many Native cultures. Exhibits of tradition al Alas- kan Native artifacts, cultural objects, and artwork are accompanied by educational programs. Shuttles are offered from downtown locations.
3. Walk Along The Coastal Trail
A paved t rail foll ows th e edge of Cook Inlet from Downtow n Anchor- age to Kincaid Park. The Coastal Trail has scenic views of Cook Inlet and is perfect for walking, biking, jogging or for ju st seeing Cook Inlet and Sleeping Lady sunsets.
4. See Salmon At Ship Creek
An easy walk from downtown, Ship Creek runs into Cook Inlet. Access Ship Creek and the salmon view- ing platform by taking A Street to East Whit ney Road. Ship Creek pro- vides salmon viewing and fishing throughoutthesummer.
5. Evening Flightseeing
You can flightsee right from An- chorage. For an evening tour, take a quick overview of Anchorage. There are also exte nded bear view- ing and Denali flights that depart from Anchorage.
6. Arctic Valley 8< Alpenglow
Take the Glenn Highway to the Arc- ti c Valley exit and dri ve seven mil es up a winding road to high alpine hiking and blueberry picking. Prac- ti ce bear safety rul es w hile hikin g.
7. Turnagain Arm Wildlife
Ifyouhaveacar,andit'saniceeve- ning, a great after-dinner drive is to head sout h on th e Seward Highway alo ng Turn again Arm. There are plenty of pullouts on both sides of th e road. See Dall sheep, w hales, and sunset views.
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8. Ski Resort At Girdwood
Drive sout h on th e Seward Highway 37 miles to reach Girdwood. Travel Alyeska Highway to Girdwood, home of Crow Creek gold min e and Alyeska ski resort. The min e has picturesque buildings, and the resort has a tram to take you to the top of Mt. Alyeska.
9. Saturday 8< Farmer's Markets
Anchorage's weekend markets are a good place to meet people from all over Alaska. See arts and crafts, listen to music and buy fruits, vege- tables and Alaska-produced foods.
10. Hiking On Flattop
Hike the mountain of Flattop just above Anchorage. From Flattop, catch a spectacular view of Cook In- let. It's a little tricky to get to Flattop Trailhead (you can also take a shuttle from downtown)andthehikingisrig- orous. The official addressfor Flattop is 13101 Glen Alps Road.