Page 16 - Richardson And Glenn Highways (East Alaska)
P. 16

Bearfoot Checkpoint: Gulkana is located at Mile 127 of the RIVERTOWNS	RichardsonHighway,Gakonaat Mile1oftheTokCutoff.
Village of Gulkana (C'ulc'e Na)
Gulkana is located just south of the Tok Cutoff, on the banks of the Gulkana River. The official mile marker for Gulkana is Mile 127 Richard son Highway . Gulkana is an ancient historic area for the Ahtna people, and dates back at least a thousand years. Native villages were built at the confluence of the Copper River and its tributaries, where fish camps were constructed to catch and preserve salmon.
Gulkana is one of many river villages that seeks to pre- serve Ahtna Athabascan tradition and culture. Local children learn subsistence skills and some aspects of the Ahtna language. Nearly 120 people live in Gulka- na Village. Gulkana is the home of Ahtna Traditional Chief Fred Ewan, whose life spans the entire transition between old Alaska and modern times. Gulkana has become a model Alaska village, with paved streets, so- phisticated housi ng, and water services.
Gakona (Ggax Kuna') History
Gakona is a small town built around Native fish camps and a lodge at the Gakona river crossing. Gakona Lodge is one of the oldest remaining lodges in the Copper Valley. Unfortunately, fires over the years have destroyed many of the other early 1900's era trailside lodges, which housed travelers and served as community centers. Ga- kona has about 200 residents who live off the highways on bac kroad s and driveways. Gakona and Gulkana are known for great mountain views of towering Mount Drum and Mount Sanford.
Old Time Mushing
Into the 1940's, the road from Gulkana to Chis- tochina was closed in the winter, and goods and people were transported here by dog sled. There were over 100 dogs in the dog lot at the old Chis- tochina Lodge,whichwas thecommunitycenter.
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Intersectionof ~	roads and rivers.

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